Daily Bulletin:

Thursday, February 16:


Breakfast for tomorrow:

Assorted Cereal Bars






Lunch for tomorrow:

Chicken Fajita

Lettuce & Tomatoes

Red Peppers

Rosey Applesauce




-This week is FCCLA Week. Dress-Up day for tomorrow is School Spirit Day


-There is a FCCLA logo hidden in the school. If you find it see Mrs. Schumacher for a prize.


-Today the HNS Jr. High Basketball Tourney continues with Wausa & LCC playing starting at 1:30


-HS Boys Basketball tomorrow night vs. Osmond-Randolph. JV will start at 6:00 with Varsity to follow.


-Concession workers for tomorrow’s basketball game are: 

5:30 to Clean Up — Hazel Hochstein, Hanna Phillips, and Jade Ford


-If you have not already done so please drop off your Prom RSVP's as soon as possible


-Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors: Please get your Post Prom forms turned in….deadline is February 23. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DEADLINES. There is another form available that needs completed for the outside dates to attend prom and the dance.


- The character strength of Love includes friendship. Today’s challenge focuses on friendship. Take action and spread love to others today by telling a close friend how much their friendship has brought to your life. You can send them a text, write a note, make a card, or tell them face-to-face.