Daily Bulletin:

Tuesday, September 5:


Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Whole Grain Long Johns





Lunch for Tomorrow:



Green Beans




- Congratulations pep band!  You received many compliments from the game on Friday!  Way to represent HNPS!

-The youth bowling league will start this coming Monday and Tuesday, September 11th and 12th.  It’s for students in grades 1st through 12th. If anyone is interested in participating, please contact Nate Holan.

-Attention students in grades 9-12:  Auditions for speaking parts for the one-act will be Sunday, September 10 starting at 6:30 p.m.  Please sign up for a time on the bulletin board.  If you do not want a speaking part, but would like to be part of the chorus/ensemble, please sign up on that sheet--you do not need to try out.  If you cannot make it for audition night, but would like to try out for a speaking part, please see Mr. Johnson.  A crew sign-up sheet will be posted at a later date.

-High School Volleyball at Winnebago tonight at 5:30. Team bus leaves at 3:10.

-The Josten’s Rep will be here today to visit with the Seniors & Sophomores. Mr. Uldrich will dismiss the Seniors at 11:30 and then Sophomores at noon

-Golf Triangular today at Pierce at 4:00pm

-There will be a student council meeting tomorrow in the commons right after school is dismissed.

-NHS meeting for both old & new members on Thursday during homeroom in Mrs. Spahr’s room.


-There are still Yearbooks available to purchase. Please see Mrs. Pedersen if you want one.