Daily Bulletin:
Monday, March 18:
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Banana Bread
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Pulled Pork Sandwich
Fresh Veggies
Side Kicks
-Ryan Macholan has homework detention hall next week.
-Attention Big Cat/Little Cat Mentors. A reminder there is an organizational meeting today during Homeroom in the Commons.
-There will be a High School Track Parent’s Meeting tonight at 5:00 in the Commons.
-Jazz Band Members: Tomorrow come to school wearing black pants, black socks and black shoes. You can change into your performance Polo at school. Bus loads at 7:15 AM in the morning. Please have music and instrument and Jazz uniform on when you load to leave. Thanks Mrs. Hahne
-Cheerleaders need to turn in uniforms, poms and bows to Mrs. Peitz by 3:00 tomorrow.
-The Close Up group has 5 boxes of snickerdoodles cookies for sale $25 a box. Let Mrs. Spahr know if you would like to buy any.
Close Up members you can pick up your cookie orders during HR today.
-The Pierce Honor Band will be held on April 6th with a concert to complete the day at 3:30 PM. An admission charge of $2.00 will be charged. T-Shirt Orders for the event are due on March 22nd.
-Baseball registrations forms for grades 7-12 can be picked up at the central office.
-Outside date forms for prom are available at the office. Please get a copy and return it as soon as possible.