Daily Bulletin:

Wednesday, April 17:

Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Blueberry Muffins




Lunch for Tomorrow:

Popcorn Chicken

Mac & Cheese

Fresh Veggies

Mandarin Oranges



-Steve Martini has homework detention hall next week.

-Kindergarten Round-up tomorrow – there will be no class for current kindergarteners

-Golf Meet tomorrow at O’Neill at 9am

-HS track meet tomorrow in Pierce at 1:00. Dismiss the team at 10:45 so they can eat before they leave.

-Ron Rolfes will be offering Driver’s Ed again this year. The class time will be June 3-7. Cost is $300.00. Pick up a registration form at the central office if you are interested.  All registrations must be turned in by May 1.

- There will be a girl’s golf meeting at Cedar today for interested girls in grades 8th-11th @ 2:30.

-Attention Holy Trinity St. Michael Confirmation Class 2024: All Confirmation homework is due on Sunday, April 21st Anytime between 8:45 am – 10:00 am @ Holy Trinity Parish meeting room. Students must turn in the homework in person.