Daily Bulletin:

Tuesday, August 27:

Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Blueberry Bread




Lunch for Tomorrow:


Garlic Bread

Fresh Veggies

Mandarin Oranges



-Cross Country Meet at home on Thursday starting at 9am.

-HS Volleyball vs. Crofton on Thursday starting at 5:30. Pep band will play before Varsity game.

-Concession Workers for Thursday are:

5:00 – 7:00 - - Wyatt Rice, Jacob Pinkelman & Cody Edwards

7:00 – Clean-Up - - Kayne Gratzfeld, Cody Cavanaugh & Wyatt Clark

-HS Football vs. Ainsworth on Friday at 7pm. Pep band will play before game and at halftime.

Concession workers for Friday are:

6:00 – 7:30 - -Vayda Lippert, Ziva Stratman & Hadley Grutsch

7:30 – Clean-Up - - Ella Eickhoff, Nora Lange & Jocelyn Reyes

-Volleyball Quad at Dodge on Saturday starting at 9am.


Game 1(9am): Howells-Dodge vs. Winside

 Game 2: Randolph vs. Hartington-Newcastle

Game 3: Howells-Dodge vs. Randolph

 Game 4: Winside vs. Hartington-Newcastle

 Game 5: Randolph vs Winside

  Game 6: Howells-Dodge vs. Hartington-Newcastle

-A reminder to any student from the Newcastle Community including the surrounding towns. Please see Mr. Kneifl if you are interested in assisting with the Newcastle Labor Day Celebration. 

-If you have not already done so get your button picture orders in ASAP!

-Any seniors wishing to purchase a senior banner can pick up an order form at the central office. Cost is $42.80 with tax. Payment must be received with order form