Daily Bulletin:

Friday, November 22:

Breakfast for Monday:

Assorted Cereal




Lunch for Monday:

Walking Taco

Lettuce & Tomatoes

Red Peppers




- One-act cast and crew:  Be at school tomorrow at 7:15 a.m.  The bus for David City leaves at 7:30 a.m.  David City will perform at 10:00 a.m., York at 12:00 p.m., and Hartington-Newcastle at 2:00 p.m.  Anyone can attend.

Cast members--if you took any part of your costume home with you, remember to bring it.  Crew members--if any of you can't be there you must let Mr. Johnson know.

-Trivia Question for yesterday was: This famous author taught English at an academy in Maine while trying to get his book published.

Answer is: Stephen King

Winner is: Ell Haug

Today’s trivia question is: This actor was a PE teacher before landing his role as Wolverine.

Put your answer in the jar at the central office.

- All students in grade 7-12 are invited to participate in the selfie scavenger hunt challenge.  The contest rules and clues are available at the central office. You have until 12:40 pm on Friday to complete the challenge.  

- Have you seen the jars at the Central Office this week? We are raising money for the Cedar County Cares Giving Tree as part of American Education Week. Donate some coins to help your class win a prize… either no Home Room for a week for a winning class in grades 9-12 or pizza for a winning class in grades 7 or 8. Only one grade can win. The contest ends at 1 PM on Friday.

-There will be a sock hop tonight for 7-12 grade students after the Candlelight Christmas parade until 10:15 pm. Admission is $2

-Student Council members: Please be at school by 8:00 tonight for the dance. Also we will be decorating the school for Christmas on Sunday at 4:00.

-Winter Sports pictures has been moved to Tuesday, December 3.