Monday, December 9:
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Chocolate Muffin
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Softshell Taco
Lettuce & Tomatoes
-Dylan Behnk has homework detention hall this week
-Cast and crew of the one-act play: If you are available, please meet in front of the elementary gym at the beginning of homeroom so we can unload the trailers.
-Attention Juniors & Seniors: There will be a rep from the Air Force here tomorrow at 10:00. Please see Mr. Kneifl for a sign-out sheet if you'd like to visit with this rep.
-K-6 Christmas Concert is tonight at 6:30pm. The main gym will be closed for the day.
-High School Basketball at Boyd County tomorrow. JV girls start at 4:00; Varsity girls at 6:30 with boys to follow. Dismiss the teams at 1:27; bus will leave at 1:40.
-Bowling dual tomorrow at home vs. Bancroft-Rosalie at 5:30.
-Please order your button pins ASAP. Order forms are at the central office or in Mrs. Pedersen’s room