Tuesday, January 14:

Breakfast for tomorrow:

Banana Bread




Lunch for tomorrow: (note menu change)

Chicken Fajita

Lettuce & Tomatoes




-FFA Meeting tomorrow at 7:30 AM. If you are interested in competing in the next round of competition you MUST attend. 

- Attention Big Cat/Little Cat Mentors:

The elementary classroom sessions are tomorrow. Please check your email for your time as several of you are on a schedule with an extra session.

-Please join us on Friday night at the Rolfes House at 7pm for a FCA movie night.

-Bowling Dual today at home vs. Humphrey-Lindsay at 6pm.

-Jr. High Boys only basketball at Plainview today at 4:00. Dismiss at 2:20; bus leaves at 2:30.

-The CNA class has skills testing at NECC tomorrow. They will leave at the end of 1st period, should be back by the end of the school day.