Friday, January 17:

Breakfast for Monday:

Assorted Cereal




Lunch for Monday:

Breaded Chicken Patty Sandwich


Fresh Veggies




-Ayden Rosener, the Yearbook staff needs all three of your pictures. Ryell we need a baby and toddler picture of you and Cole Bensen please turn in your senior and baby picture to Jack. 

-Close-Up members please bring 3-six packs of pop by Friday, Jan. 24

-Please join us tonight at the Rolfes House at 7pm for a FCA movie night.

-Anyone interested in working at the swimming pool this summer can pick up an application at the central office.

-HS boys wrestling meet tomorrow at Battle Creek starting at 9am

-Bowling Tourney tomorrow @ Norfolk starting at 9am

-JH girls wrestling meet tomorrow at Plainview at 10am

-JH Basketball vs. Bloomfield on Monday. Girls start at 2:00 w/boys to follow

-JH girls wrestling meet on Monday at O’Neill at 10am

-HS Basketball at Neligh-Oakdale – Varsity only. Girls @ 6:00 w/boys to follow. Bus will leave after school is out