Wednesday, February 19:
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Chili Soup
Cinnamon Rolls
Fresh Veggies
-National FFA Week is this week: Dress up day for tomorrow is Blue & Gold Day.
-Close Up members your puffin orders will be here today.
-Attention Big Cat/Little Mentors! There will be an organizational meeting today during Homeroom. This meeting will take place in the Commons. Please see Mr. Kneifl or Mr. Fischer if you cannot attend for any reason.
-JH Basketball continues tomorrow in both gyms starting at 1:30.
-Boys State Wrestling begins tomorrow at Omaha.
-HS Basketball on Friday vs. Creighton – BOYS ONLY. JV starts at 6pm with Varsity to follow.
-Pep Band will be at 6:30 PM on Friday Feb 21st - Boys only we will play twice once before the Varsity and Varsity 1/2 time.
-Pierce Honor Band Auditions are due Feb 25th
-March 11th - MS Competition - Grades 5-8th purchase a pair of all black pants, all black shoes, and black socks. Walmart has shoes for around $15.00.
-Youth ages 11-18 interested in joining the Cedar County Sharp Shooters Shotgun program are asked to stop by the office to pick up a flyer with information about how to join. The Sharp Shooters program enables youth to learn and develop safe firearm handling skills and sound fundamentals of shooting. It also offers opportunities for competition where youth can exhibit their skills. There will be an informational meeting on Sunday, February 23, at 3:00 at the Extension Office.