Friday, February 21:
Breakfast for Monday:
Assorted Cereal
Lunch for Monday:
Turkey & Cheese Sandwich
Mandarin Oranges
-Speech Members: Students need to arrive to school at 6:35 AM for the Crofton Speech Invite. The bus will leave school at 6:45 AM. Please check your email for information regarding the meet.
-Close-Up members: Your cookie orders are due Monday, Feb. 24.
-Boys State Wrestling continues today in Omaha.
-HS Basketball tonight vs. Creighton – BOYS ONLY. JV starts at 6pm with Varsity to follow.
-Pep Band will be at 6:30 PM tonight - We will play twice once before the Varsity and Varsity 1/2 time.
-There will be a 7th-11th grade girls’ basketball meeting during homeroom on Monday in Coach Rolfes’ room for equipment turn in.
-Pierce Honor Band Auditions are due Feb 25th
-Girls Track Meeting at 3:20 on Monday, March 3rd.
-March 11th - MS Competition - Grades 5-8th purchase a pair of all black pants, all black shoes, and black socks. Walmart has shoes for around $15.00.
-Youth ages 11-18 interested in joining the Cedar County Sharp Shooters Shotgun program are asked to stop by the office to pick up a flyer with information about how to join. The Sharp Shooters program enables youth to learn and develop safe firearm handling skills and sound fundamentals of shooting. It also offers opportunities for competition where youth can exhibit their skills. There will be an informational meeting this Sunday, at 3:00 at the Extension Office.