Friday, February 28:

Breakfast for Monday:

Assorted Cereal




Lunch for Monday:

Chicken Nuggets

Mac & Cheese




-Homework Detention Hall for next week is Rusty Fuller.

-Boys Basketball District Finals game is tomorrow night at 7:00. HNS will play Bancroft-Rosalie at Bancroft. Team bus will leave at 4:45. Theme for the game is White Out.

-Attention Juniors & Seniors! There are 2 college reps visiting today:  The rep from Northeast Community College is at 12:30 and the rep from Wayne State College is at 2:15. Please sign up with Mr. Kneifl right away.

- There is a booster club meeting scheduled for this Sunday, March 2 at 7:00pm at the Hard Patch Brewery

-Girls Track Meeting at 3:20 on Monday.

-March 11th - MS Competition -  Grades 5-8 purchase a pair of all black pants, all black shoes, and black socks. Walmart has shoes for around $15.00.  

-Please get your Prom RSVP’s turned in by March 12. The box is on the office counter.