Thursday, March 6:
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Assorted Cereal Bars
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Cheese Quesadilla
Lettuce & Tomatoes
-Attention seniors: Please check your school email for reminders about next week's local scholarship deadlines.
-There will be a boys’ basketball meeting during homeroom today in Coach Fincher’s room. If you are allowed to leave early please go to the meeting before you leave school.
-Attention boys interested in participating in golf this spring. The sign-up meeting will be tomorrow during Homeroom. It will be held in room 205 West. If you are allowed to leave early please go to the meeting before you leave school.
-The following students need to come to Mrs. Spahr’s room at the start of homeroom on Thursday……Kora Kneifl, Emily Climer, Issac Santiago, Jason Heimes, and Jaden Opfer.
-The Close-Up group has extra pop for sale. $1.00 each, first come first serve. See Mrs. Spahr at the end of the day.
-Please get your Prom RSVP’s turned in by March 12. The box is on the office counter.
- This is our last full week of school during the 3rd quarter. The quarter ends next Tuesday, March 11. Each day this week, and on Monday and Tuesday next week, 7th through 12th grade students who are passing all of their classes, have no missing work, and do not have attendance issues will be allowed to leave during Home Room.
Please get your work taken care of and your grades to a place that allows you to be part of the group that gets to leave.
-March 11th - MS Competition - Grades 5-8 purchase a pair of all black pants, all black shoes, and black socks. Walmart has shoes for around $15.00.