Thursday, October 26:
Breakfast for Monday:
Assorted Cereal Bar
Lunch for Monday:
Super Nachos
Lettuce & Tomatoes
Chocolate Chip Cookie
-Picture Retake orders are due in on Monday, October 30
-Attention juniors & seniors! There is a Manufacturing Day Open House at Northeast Community College tomorrow from 12:00-8:00 pm. See Mr. Kneifl for further information and on how to register if interested.
-Today the Varsity Football Team will be playing in the first round of the football playoffs at 5:30 at Dwight. We will have a 1:00 dismissal.
Dismiss the football team at 12:40. Team bus will leave at 1:00.
-There will be no Junior High Wrestling until Monday!
-Attention one-act cast and chorus members: The schedule for practice for tomorrow and Sunday is on the bulletin board. Please be prompt. Also, there will be a meeting for all one-act cast and chorus members today during homeroom in the science lab. Football players are excused from the meeting