Thursday, March 22:
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Yogurt Parfait
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Breakfast for Lunch
Wildcat Breakfast Sandwich
(Egg & Cheese)
Baby Carrots
Orange Wedges
Mini Cake Donuts
-Attention juniors and seniors! The rep from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln will be here Monday, March 26th at 10:00. Seniors who are attending UNL are who may be seriously still considering UNL should visit with this rep. Of course juniors who are considering attending UNL should also visit with this rep. See Mr. Kneifl for a sign-out sheet.
-8th grade & freshman: If you are interested in Driver’s Ed there are registration forms at the central office. Deadline to register is April 15.
-Seniors: you will find a sticky note on your locker with a number. This is your number for the senior countdown. If you would like you can decorate that number to go on your locker.
-State Speech is Tomorrow.
-“The Week of the Young Child” is an annual celebration hosted by the National Association for the Education of Young Children celebrating early learning, young children, their teachers and families. This year’s event is April 16-20! Anyone wanting a t-shirt for “Week of the Young Child” can pick up an order form at the central office.