Daily Bulletin
Thursday, March 24:
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Assorted Cereal Bars
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Tuna Casserole
Fresh Veggies
Mandarin Oranges
-The Hartington Newcastle Jazz Band performed at Coyote Jazz Festival on Tuesday. A soloist award is given when two of the three judges nominate a soloist for the award. Earning soloist awards were Alan Santiago-Saxophone, Issac Santiago- Bari Sax, and Seth Pinkelman-Trombone
-FCCLA Jolly Time Popcorn orders are due tomorrow. If you would like to order, and have not been asked please let Ms. Mecseji or a FCCLA member know.
-Attention Juniors and Seniors: The rep from Briar Cliff University in Sioux City, Iowa will be here tomorrow at 9:00. Please see Mr. Kneifl for a sign-out sheet if you wish to visit with this rep.
-Student Council Members: Pie order forms & money need to be turned into Miss Ekberg by the end of the day tomorrow.
-Anyone wanting to have a prom picture taken can pick up an order form from the central office or go online and order. You must either order online ahead of time or have the order form with payment with you on Saturday.
-Attention 8th graders: Save the date for Holy Trinity Parish youth camp. Date is June 27th – July 1st. More information will be coming soon.
-If interested in auditioning to sing National Anthem for prize money through the VFW. Please see Mrs. Hahne for the form.
-Close-Up Members: your cookie orders will be delivered next Wednesday, March 30 during Homeroom.
-Holy Trinity Saint Michael 8th & 9th grade Confirmation Students:
All Winter Homework is due Sunday, April 3, 2022. Drop of anytime between 9:45 am- 11:00 am @ Parish Meeting Room.
-Mr. Uldrich has the homework detention hall this week.