Daily Bulletin
Monday, April 4
Breakfast for Tomorrow:
Chocolate Muffin
Lunch for Tomorrow:
Chicken Strips
Fresh Veggies
Mandarin Oranges
-Attention Seniors! The Hartington Chamber of Commerce Scholarship is due today. Please hand this in or slide it under Mr. Kneifl's door by the end of the day today.
-Attention students! Please periodically check the bulletin board outside of Mrs. Pedersen's room for potential employment opportunities.
-Jr. High Cedar Catholic Track Invite today at 1:00. Dismiss the team at 11:00 so they can get their uniforms and eat the early lunch
-HNS Track Invite tomorrow at 2:00. Dismiss the team at 12:45
-Concession Stand Workers for tomorrow’s Track Meet:
12:30-4:00 - - Issac Santiago, Dane Gotch, Colton Cavanaugh & Trevon Hopping
4:00 – Clean-Up - - Seanna Pinkelman, Karissa Bruning, Lainey Morten & Kassydi Anderson
-Ponca Golf Triangular tomorrow at 3:00pm. Dismiss the team at 1:00; team van leaves at 1:15.
-Yearbook sales have begun. Envelops were sent home and cost is $15 dollars for seniors and $25 for all others. See Mrs. Pedersen or a Yearbook staff member.
-Drivers Ed for this summer will run June 1,2,3,6 & 7 from 8am to noon. If you turn 14 by August 15, 2022 you are eligible to take the course. Cost will be $290.00. Registration forms are at the central office. Registrations must be mailed into Mr. Ron Rolfes by May 1 with payment. The class is limited to 40 students so register right away.
-Attention 8th graders: Save the date for Holy Trinity Parish youth camp. Date is June 27th – July 1st. More information will be coming soon.
-Miss LuAnn Lange has the homework detention hall for this week.