Daily Bulletin:

Monday, October 3:


Breakfast for Tomorrow:

Mini Cake Donuts





Lunch for Tomorrow:

Walking Taco

Lettuce & Tomatoes

Red Peppers





-Sophomores, Juniors & Seniors please check your email today for a message from Mrs. Peitz about post prom.


-There will be a Close Up meeting today during HR in Miss Lange’s room


-Attention Juniors & Seniors: The college rep from Wayne State College will be here Tuesday at 12:45. Please see Mr. Kneifl for a sign-out sheet if you wish to visit with this rep.


-There will be one-act practice for speaking parts only tonight at 6:30 p.m.  Tata's chorus does not need to come.


-Jr. High Volleyball today at Wynot at 2:30pm. Game order A-B. Dismiss the team at 1:30


-Jr. High Football today at Wynot at 4:00pm. Dismiss the team at 1:30.


-There will be no JV Football game today


-Attention 9th & 10th grade Confirmation Students at Holy Trinity and St. Michael: Meet at Holy Trinity Church for Confirmation Practice on Wednesday, Oct 5th 7:00- 8:30 pm

Bring the Group Picture Order Form with payment


-This week’s Positivity Project character strength -- Open-Mindedness. Open-minded people do not jump to conclusions. Instead, they seek out and examine all of the available evidence before forming an opinion.