Daily Bulletin:
Friday, November 4:
Breakfast for Monday:
Assorted Cereal
Lunch for Monday:
Chicken Fajita
Lettuce & Tomatoes
-One-act public performance is Sunday night at 7 p.m. in the gym. Anyone is welcome to attend. Cast and chorus, lights and sound, be here at 4:25 p.m. Sunday. All other crew, be here at 5:45 p.m. Crew members, if you can't be here, you must see Mr. Johnson to let him know.
-Lewis Choral Clinic on Monday all day. Concert will be at 5:30.
-Attention Big Cat Mentors & Staff: There will be an organizational meeting on Wednesday, November 9th during Homeroom in the Commons.
-Today’s quote about the OPM element, knowing my words and actions affect others, is by author and CEO, Michael Hyatt: “The right word spoken at the right time can make all the difference in building people up. Choose well.”